Showing 1 - 25 of 817 Results
The Figaro Trilogy by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9780199539970 List Price: $12.95
Barber of Seville and the Marriage of Figaro by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9780140441338 List Price: $13.00
La Mariage De Figaro (Petis Classiques) (French Edition) by Pierre Augustin Caron de Be... ISBN: 9782035865984 List Price: $10.95
Le Barbier De Seville by Pierre Augustin Caron de Be... ISBN: 9782038716108 List Price: $8.95
Follies of a Day : Or, the marriage of Figaro. A comedy in five acts. Written originally by ... by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781170050521 List Price: $17.75
Follies of a Day; or, the Marriage of Figaro a Comedy, As It Is Now Performing at the Theatr... by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781170055656 List Price: $19.75
Barber of Seville, or the Useless Precaution; a Comedy in Four Acts with Songs, and C by the... by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781170089002 List Price: $18.75
Follies of a Day; or, the Marriage of Figaro a Comedy, As It Is Now Performing at the Theatr... by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781170108833 List Price: $19.75
Barber of Seville, or the Useless Precaution; a Comedy in Four Acts with Songs, and C by the... by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781170413838 List Price: $17.75
Two Friends; or, the Liverpool Merchant a Drama, in Five Acts, Translated by C H- from the F... by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781170418086 List Price: $18.75
Beaumarchais Le Mariage De Figaro by Arnould, E. J., De Beaumarc... ISBN: 9781853993176 List Price: $18.00
The Follies Of A Day: Or, The Marriage Of Figaro by De Beaumarchais, Pierre Aug... ISBN: 9781409952008 List Price: $17.99
The Barber Of Seville: Or, The Useless Precaution by De Beaumarchais, Pierre Aug... ISBN: 9781409951995 List Price: $13.99
Folle Journee Ou Le Marriage de Figaro by De Beaumarchais, Pierre Aug... ISBN: 9781434691590 List Price: $22.99
Oeuvres Thtre et Mmoires by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781116420838 List Price: $36.75
Oeuvres Thtre et Mmoires by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781116420821 List Price: $37.75
Oeuvres Thtre et Mmoires by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781116420814 List Price: $35.99
La Folle Journee Ou Le Marriage De Figaro (Large Print Edition) by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781437531206 List Price: $25.75
La Folle Journee Ou Le Marriage De Figaro by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9781437530094 List Price: $23.75
Figaro Trilogy The Barber of Seville/the Marriage of Figaro/the Guilty Mother by Beaumarchais, Pierre-August... ISBN: 9780192804136 List Price: $12.95
Correspondance de Fénelon, Archevêque de Canbrai Publiée Pour la Premìere Fois Sur les Manus... by Fénelon, François de Salign... ISBN: 9781175745705 List Price: $43.75
Oeuvres Complètes de Beaumarchais Contenant Ses Pièces de Théâtre, et Sa Lettre Modérée Sur ... by Pierre-Augustin Caron De Be... ISBN: 9781173598051 List Price: $39.75
Autre Tartuffe Ou la Mère Coupable : Drame Intrigué, en Cinq Actes by Pierre Augustin Caron De Be... ISBN: 9781175134707 List Price: $17.75
Correspondance de Fénelon, Archevêque de Canbrai Publiée Pour la Premìere Fois Sur les Manus... by Caron, Augustin Pierre Paul... ISBN: 9781175764102 List Price: $44.75
Correspondance de Fénelon, Archevêque de Canbrai Publiée Pour la Premìere Fois Sur les Manus... by Caron, Augustin Pierre Paul... ISBN: 9781175765208 List Price: $45.75
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